Monday, July 16, 2007


I do not want to be stereotype here. I have been closely studying terror and have met a few people long time back who have been involved in terror. My personal view on terrorism is that its a disease fast spreading and is being distributed more generously by the so called doctors who claim to be curing it than the victims. The current circumstances suggest that soon life will be hell no matter how rich or poor you are. The ignorance given to this disease by the common man is very shocking.

Post 9/11 there have been innocent deaths worldwide but mostly in Iraq, Palestine and Syria which is why Muslims feel they are being targeted. They feel alienated in a sense. This is the tool used by evil minds to pull young innocent muslims into terror. I remember talking to a friend from kashmir. We use to talk about the reason for the struggle by the people in kashmir. The conclusion was that there are two sections of people. One was the sect (Calibans) that want to cause trouble and are always in the look out for young blood that can be made the sacrifitial goat. The other was the young blood that fell into the trap of the former. The primary reason for them falling into a wrong direction was the treatment they recieved by the indian army. What would your mindset be if your sister and mother were raped in front of you ? How would you react if your father was stripped naked and beaten up for no reason in front of your eyes? Im sure many of you feel that it is being exaggerated here but try getting into a conversation with a kashmiri who has lived in kashmir for atleast the last 15 years. Now this young blood being in an environment of these extremist would convert into calibans and begin to hunt for young blood. This cycle continues.

Whenever we speak about international terrorism, we separate the 'Muslim' aspect if it. "Instead of saying two Muslims, why can't we talk about them as two Bangalore boys, highly specialised in computers?". Apart from the calibans there is another section of the crowd who are among the villians. I believe that there is a small section of the society who are strongly against Islam and are always waiting for an opportunity to put the religion down. Hence you would always see the media flash the word MUSLIM/ISLAM more than anything else whenever anything related to terror is reported. Religion is something very personal. Its something like your salary or your wife. We should stop looking at issues with a communal angle. We should only look at things on whether they are right or wrong. If Kafeel has erred then he should be taken to task through the process of law. One has to realise that injustice happening anywhere in the world is the germ of heinous acts. Also the media should stop perpetuating hatred. We need to promote democratic ways of dialogue.

In India There are two entities we have in hand – a well-organised nation and the poorest, least literate and least organised community on one side. To control law and order, the police, intelligence agencies and the judicial system have not been able to pick up the radical elements in time. Hence they blame the least organised community.

A Hindu friend of mine said this to me "I have read the Quran. What I feel is that if all Muslims just read the Quran properly then peace will surely prevail.".

I think the problem is much more beyond the word MUSLIM.

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